Universal Note

From Harmony, From Heavenly Harmony, This Universal Frame Began: From Harmony To Harmony, Through All The Compass Of The Notes It Ran. The Diapason Closing Full In Man.

OUTFIT: "SD" Savage Designs: Cyliah -  This is a COMPLETE outfit!! Top, Jeans and Boots! All Mesh and many colors to choose from. Options for Maitreya, Slink Physique, Slink Hourglass, Isis, Freya, Venus and Werwolf. SD Marketplace 

POSE: ENIIPose: Fascinate - Beautiful and fun pose that includes Saxophone and hummingbirds. I love these poses.. always fun.. always with cute props and always an amazing price!

HAIR: Truth: Xia - Blonde (Variety pack) - A very beautiful, fun and sexy hair. Always a trest everytime Truth releases a hair!

BRACELET (Left): PetroFF : Henrietta - 3 color pack. Comes in Gold, Pink Gold and Platinum. resizer for perfect fit.

BRACELET (Right): PetroFF : Albany -  Comes with options for left and right wrist as well as a resizer for a perfect fit!
